ICDSN has experience developing statistical Simulation Models for Spectre, Hspice, and Smartspice. In cases when the wafer fabrication vendor supplies only corner models we build the statistical design model files and simulator setups for the customer... note that in most cases statistical design analysis can be implemented utilizing the standard analog EDA vendor tool setup.
VerilogA(AMS) is a powerful tool that is used to reduce top level IC verification(simulation) time in SOC devices, automatically extract specification compliance matrix data, and emulate mixed signal systems behavior.
ICDSN offers either fixed bid or hourly terms for IC development. Our EDA tools or your's. We do not maintain internal layout capability, but use several highly qualified contract layout vendors. If you have a foundry in mind we will work with them, if not we will help you pick one. We include characterization and will support ATE development. Most of our IC development programs have yield targets that must be achieved before ICDSN receives final payment.
We have extensive experience evaluating IC performance issues, generating root cause analysis, and correction actions. We can help you attain defect limited yields on analog centric IC's